Semiconductor Device Group

The Semiconductor Device Group is led by Professor Douglas Paul and is involved in a wide range of projects delivering semiconductor devices for applications in healthcare, security, environmental monitoring, manufacturing and position, navigation and timing using silicon nanowires, quantum technologies (MEMS gravimeters, micro cold atom systems, Ge on Si single photon avalanche detectors), integrated mid-infrared sensors and SiGe THz quantum cascade lasers.

The group is well known internationally for delivering a wide range of devices many of which are fabricated with single atomic layer precision.

The group has a total income of over £43M to contribute to collaborative grants with a gross value above £248M which included 10 Innovate UK grants with UK industry over the past 3 years and has multiple research contracts from industry. This sustained grant income provides well equipped laboratories with state of the art equipment for electronic and photonic research along with strong consumables and travel budgets to allow group members to focus on delivering results and participating in the major international conferences in the field.

Members undertake and deliver design, simulation, fabrication and characterisation of semiconductor devices using the wide range of simulation tools available, the James Watt Nanofabrication Centre cleanroom and a range of laboratories with over £3M of state of the art characterisation equipment. The group has a supportive, friendly and community mode of operation to allow everyone to improve their education and impact of the research being delivered.

The group is always interested in well qualified and motivated PhD students and postdocs with an interest in semiconductor devices.