Prof Douglas J. Paul > About the Group

The Semiconductor Device Group undertakes research in a wide range of areas including quantum technology, nanofabrication, silicon germanium (SiGe), nanoelectronic silicon devices, silicon photonics, MEMS, resonant tunnelling diodes, inorganic molecular electronics, thermoelectrics and autonomous sensors. The group is part of the Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering Division in the School of Engineering. The group is led by Douglas Paul and was formed in 2007 when Prof Paul moved from the Cavendish Laboratory in the University of Cambridge to take up a chair at the University of Glasgow.

The Semiconductor Device group is a major user of the James Watt Nanofabrication Centre and also heavily uses the dc to 1.15 THz S-parameter test probe stations and photonic test systems. The group has well equipped electrical and optical test and characterisation facilities with over £2.2M of equipment plus access to another £8M shared between researchers. Below is a list of specific scientific equipment the group has for undertaking research.


Cryostat1 Oxford Instruments 1 K variable temperature cryostat & 12 T magnet
Cryostat2 Oxford Instruments 1 K optical pulse-tube cooled cryostat
fs laser M Squared Lasers 800 nm SolTiS 50 femtosecond laser with 10 W pump
Bolometer QMC Si bolometer with 4.2 K cryostat: 60 GHz to 10 THz operation
FTIR Bruker 66vs vacuum step scan FTIR: visible to THz wavelengths
narrow linewidth laser M Squared Lasers SolsTiS 725 to 875 nm 50 kHz linewidth laser
QCL lasers Daylight Solutions MiRcat CW/pulsed 4 tunable QCLs: 7.8 to 11.5 μm
bonder Kulicke and Sofia iBond 5000 Dual ball and bump bonder
microRaman Witec Alpha 300R confocal Raman microscope, AFM & PL
ac electronics 4 Stanford SR830 lock-ins, Agilent waveform generator, Agilent SMUs, Stanford pre-amps and dc sources
dc electronics Agilent B1500 semiconductor parameter analyser with 4 SMUs (aA)