# ============================================================ # Tutorial on drawing a richness plot using ggplot2 # by Umer Zeeshan Ijaz (http://userweb.eng.gla.ac.uk/umer.ijaz) # ============================================================= abund_table<-read.csv("SPE_pitlatrine.csv",row.names=1,check.names=FALSE) #Transpose the data to have sample names on rows abund_table<-t(abund_table) meta_table<-read.csv("ENV_pitlatrine.csv",row.names=1,check.names=FALSE) #Filter out samples with fewer counts abund_table<-abund_table[rowSums(abund_table)>200,] #Extract the corresponding meta_table for the samples in abund_table meta_table<-meta_table[rownames(abund_table),] #Load vegan library library(vegan) # Calculate species richness N <- rowSums(abund_table) S <- specnumber(abund_table) S.rar <-rarefy(abund_table, min(N)) # Regression of S.rar against meta_table S.lm <- lm(S.rar ~ ., data = meta_table) summary(S.lm) #Format the data for ggplot df_S<-NULL for (i in 1:dim(meta_table)[2]){ tmp<-data.frame(row.names=NULL,Sample=names(S.rar),Richness=S.rar,Env=meta_table[,i],Label=rep(colnames(meta_table)[i],length(meta_table[,i]))) if (is.null(df_S)){ df_S=tmp }else{ df_S<-rbind(df_S,tmp) } } #Get grouping information grouping_info<-data.frame(row.names=rownames(df_S),t(as.data.frame(strsplit(as.character(df_S[,"Sample"]),"_")))) colnames(grouping_info)<-c("Countries","Latrine","Depth") #Merge this information with df_S df_S<-cbind(df_S,grouping_info) # > head(df_S) # Sample Richness Env Label Countries Latrine Depth # 1 T_2_1 8.424693 7.82 pH T 2 1 # 2 T_2_12 4.389534 8.84 pH T 2 12 # 3 T_2_2 10.141087 6.49 pH T 2 2 # 4 T_2_3 10.156289 6.46 pH T 2 3 # 5 T_2_6 10.120478 7.69 pH T 2 6 # 6 T_2_9 11.217727 7.60 pH T 2 9 #We now make sure there are no factors in df_S df_S$Label<-as.character(df_S$Label) df_S$Countries<-as.character(df_S$Countries) df_S$Latrine<-as.character(df_S$Latrine) df_S$Depth<-as.character(df_S$Depth) #We need a Pvalue formatter formatPvalues <- function(pvalue) { ra<-"" if(pvalue <= 0.1) ra<-"." if(pvalue <= 0.05) ra<-"*" if(pvalue <= 0.01) ra<-"**" if(pvalue <= 0.001) ra<-"***" return(ra) } #Now use ddply to get correlations library(plyr) cors<-ddply(df_S,.(Label), summarise, cor=round(cor(Richness,Env),2), sig=formatPvalues(cor.test(Richness,Env)$p.value)) # > head(cors) # Label cor sig # 1 Carbo -0.59 *** # 2 CODs -0.46 *** # 3 CODt -0.08 # 4 NH4 -0.43 *** # 5 perCODsbyt -0.60 *** # 6 pH 0.05 #We have to do a trick to assign labels as facet_wrap doesn't have an explicit labeller #Reference 1: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19282897/how-to-add-expressions-to-labels-in-facet-wrap #Reference 2: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11979017/changing-facet-label-to-math-formula-in-ggplot2 facet_wrap_labeller <- function(gg.plot,labels=NULL) { #works with R 3.0.1 and ggplot2 require(gridExtra) g <- ggplotGrob(gg.plot) gg <- g$grobs strips <- grep("strip_t", names(gg)) for(ii in seq_along(labels)) { modgrob <- getGrob(gg[[strips[ii]]], "strip.text", grep=TRUE, global=TRUE) gg[[strips[ii]]]$children[[modgrob$name]] <- editGrob(modgrob,label=labels[ii]) } g$grobs <- gg class(g) = c("arrange", "ggplot",class(g)) g } #Now convert your labels wrap_labels<-do.call(paste,c(cors[c("Label")],"(",cors[c("cor")]," ",cors[c("sig")],")",sep="")) p<-ggplot(df_S,aes(Env,Richness)) + geom_point(aes(colour=Countries)) + geom_smooth(,method="lm", size=1, se=T) + facet_wrap( ~ Label , scales="free", ncol=3) +theme_bw() p<-facet_wrap_labeller(p,labels=wrap_labels) pdf("Richness.pdf",width=14,height=14) print(p) dev.off()