The dynamics of a Duffing oscillator with non-viscous damping

Wagg D. J., Adhikari, S.,
The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2006.

In this paper a Duffing oscillator with non-viscous damping function is considered. The non-viscous damping function is an exponential damping model as described which has been studied by a range of authors - see for example [] and references therein. This type of damping model adds a decaying memory property to the damping term of the oscillator. The governing equation for the system can be expressed as
+c ó

(t)dt-k1x1+k2 x13=Acos(Wt),
where x represents the displacement of mass m and the stiffnesses coefficients are given by k1, k2. The damping coefficients are c and m. The harmonic forcing functions is Acos(wt).
Introducing a non-viscous damping term with a decaying memory kernel means that the governing equation is an integro-differential equation of the Volterra type. Methods for solving such systems have been studied by a wide range of authors - see, for example, [1] and references therein. Many methods used for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (ODE's) can be extended to this type of integro-differential equation. Naturally the solution of the integro-differential equation is more expensive in terms of computational time compared with methods for ODE's [1]. As a result the method chosen to compute solutions for this work is a second order approximation to the exact solution based on trapiziodal approximation.
The Duffing oscillator with viscous damping has been widely studied, and a comprehensive review of the associated literature can be found in [2]. For these type of systems the viscous damping coefficient can be used as a bifurcation parameter. For example a supercritical Hopf bifurcation can be observed as the damping coefficient passes through zero from positive to negative [2]. The effect of the non-viscous damping model on this transition will be studied in this paper.


P. Linz. Analytical and numerical methods for Volterra equations. SIAM Studies in Applied Mathematics, 1985.
J. M. T. Thompson and H. B. Stewart. Nonlinear dynamics and chaos. John Wiley: Chichester, 2002.

BiBTeX Entry
    AUTHOR={D. J. Wagg and S. Adhikari},
    TITLE = {On the Dynamics of a Duffing Oscillator with an Exponential Non-Viscous Damping Model},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology},
    EDITOR = {Topping, B. H. V. and Montero, G. and Montenegro, R.},
    PUBLISHER = {Civil-Comp Press},
    ADDRESS = {Stirlingshire, United Kingdom},
    NOTE = {paper 75},
    YEAR = 2006

by Sondipon Adhikari